
The journey begins here.

学生 who enroll at 河景 are 温柔, 友好的, 种类, 天真的 with complex learning challenges. 他们在这里茁壮成长,因为他们经历了各种青少年和年轻人的学术, extra-curricular, 社会 pursuits.

河景的学生在一个旨在完全拥抱他们的环境中拥有改变人生的经历. They make friends. They gain a deep feeling of connection to others. Self-esteem flourishes. 学生 become resilient and redefine themselves. They come into their own.

At 河景 School, we believe in each child’s potential. 河景 is a place where students belong, 在那里,他们发展了必要的工具和技能,成为他们所能成为的一切.

河景长期致力于神经多样性,并继续招收神经分化的学生. 我们的课程支持不同学习方式的儿童和青少年.

Is 河景 the right fit?

Finding the Right Fit

买足彩app平台非常重视候选人的整体申请的适当性, the number of openings in each grade and dorm, 并确保申请人和目前入学的学生之间的良好契合.

河景长期致力于神经多样性,并继续招收神经分化的学生. 我们的课程支持不同学习方式的儿童和青少年.


  • Is described as 温柔, 友好的, 种类, 天真的

  • Diagnosed langu年龄, learning and cognitive disabilities

  • Desires to make friends and is interested in forming relationships with others

  • 寻求社会和课外活动的机会,如参加运动队, 参加舞蹈, participating in drama, 音乐, art and student government

  • Responds well to a structured, supportive, predictable environment

  • Capable of greater success in the academic environment

  • Has mastered basic daily living skills and personal hygiene and self-care

  • Mild medical issues that complicate—but not compromise—daily activities

  • 智商和成就得分在65-90之间或功能能力在这个范围内(很多时候存在很大的差异)

请注意: 学生 demonstrating a history of emotional, 行为, psychiatric disorders, or requiring a therapeutic environment, are not able to be considered.

If you feel 河景 may be appropriate for your child, please fill out the 调查形式 or 呼叫 us with any questions you may have.


河景 School, an independent coeducational boarding/day school, 为语言复杂的青少年和年轻人提供一个关怀社区, learning and cognitive disabilities. 学院致力于培养学生的学术能力和信心, 社会 and independent living skills.

买足彩app平台重视每一个学生作为一个个体,并承认学生在他们的目标发展中拥有发言权的重要性, 程序, 和指令. Families likewise play a crucial role, 特别是在支持那些需要帮助表达需求的学生方面, 欲望, 和偏好. Consistent with 河景’s mission and whole person 哲学, 学院致力于提供干预措施,并确定优势,使学生能够提高他们在教育核心竞争力方面的技能, 社会 /emotional, independent living, 健康, vocational readiness. 我们的总体目标是让河景的毕业生拥有能够提供最高程度获得充实生活的技能. 河景 strives to individualize 程序ming, to be sensitive to student and family wishes when possible, to offer reasonable accommodations that coincide with its overall approach, 哲学, 和程序. 河景也认识到它在促进接受和建立对具有独特需求的人可以为更大的社区做出宝贵贡献的认识方面的作用.

The Whole Student Philosophy of 河景 School

买足彩app平台相信,有学习差异的学生能够有显著的成长. The School’s integrated approach to academic instruction, 社会 emotional development, independent living skills, 职业准备和健康提供了促进整个买足彩app平台的基础组成部分. 河景的存在是为了让学生最大限度地发挥他们的潜力,为他们的人生目标做好准备, happiness and independence.


…in the Importance of Community

  • Each student deserves to be respected, valued and celebrated for who they are.

  • 家长s are integral members of the 河景 team. 家长和学校之间开放的沟通和强有力的伙伴关系对学生的成功至关重要.

  • 河景最大的资产是其敬业和热情的员工,他们共同致力于学校的信念.

…in the Influence of Culture

  • 学生们在有安全感的文化中茁壮成长,并受到激励去尝试新事物, develop strengths, discover passions and awaken talents.

  • 当目标被个性化并不断重新评估时,学生会体验到达到高期望的满足感.

  • 多样性丰富了河景社区,使学生成为日益多样化的世界的公民.

…in the Impact of Integration

  • Healthy relationships are a foundational component of success and happiness; therefore, 社会 skills teaching is embedded in all aspects of 程序ming.

  • 目前以研究为基础的方法最好地准备我们的学生在一个复杂和不断变化的世界中成为富有成效的公民.

  • 综合学术指导和住宿规划加强技能和促进学习. Linking instruction, enrichment 程序ming, 以社区为基础的体验为学生实践和应用技能提供了真正的机会.


买足彩app平台是一个重视和庆祝多样性的社区,这对我们学生的经历至关重要, staff and community. We embrace and respect differences, including but not limited to: race, socioeconomic status, 性别, sexual orientation, 宗教, 年龄, cultural herit年龄, educational background, of course learning styles. 作为一个渴望反映和准备我们的学生为日益多样化的世界的社区, 河景 supports and nurtures the whole child and their full identity.

Over 60 years of success


河景 School was 成立于1957年 先生. 威廉·詹斯,一位有远见的教育家,他相信有学习困难的学生可以 realize their potential. He and his partner, Mr. 伯吉斯巴特勒, 在5英亩的土地上开设了一个夏令营,后来扩大到现在23英亩的校园. 这个营地非常成功,后来演变成一所学校,沿用了原来的名字, Hopefields School.

During the late 1960s, 河景与波士顿马萨诸塞州总医院的学习诊所建立了长期合作关系. 在河景的校园里,为残疾人量身定制的学术规划和社交技能建设方面开展了开创性的工作.

Over the ensuing decades, 促进学生独立生活技能的项目包括开始一个过渡项目(针对17-21岁的学生)。, Getting Ready for the Outside World (成长). 该项目与科德角社区学院结成联盟,为学生提供大学体验. 我们的音乐, 艺术, 跳舞, 戏剧节目也得到了极大的扩展,以展示我们对全面发展学生的承诺.

今天, we serve students 年龄s 11 to 21 with langu年龄, 来自全国各地和全球各地以及科德角社区的学习和智力障碍人士.

Guided Campus Tour

通过360°虚拟游览和使用我们的校园地图来探索我们美丽的校园,或者加入我们的招生助理, 劳伦·斯宾塞, 就我个人而言 导游 of 河景 School.

Take 360˚ 虚拟之旅